Community Water

KCM – Water – Kingwande Distribution Point – 20140822 (2)KCM – Water – Kingwande Distribution Point – 20140822 (3)image

Community Water


Your donation improves public water distribution for a community. Families with improved water access spend less time and money collecting water, allowing them to spend their resources on other life improvement projects. Total cost for a community connection is $400.

  • Connected to public water supply
  • Water supply close to the home
  • Brings public water piping closer to home
  • Year-round access to clean water
  • Fees up time for other activities
  • Reduces the cost of home water connections


Pig fattening provides income for poor families who have proven reliability, commitment to their children, and ability to repay their loan through other Better Lives programs.

  • The pig house is big enough to fatten 8 pigs
  • Each pig provides $50-$100 profit when it is sold
  • Repaying their loan enables the family to qualify for larger loans
  • Providing a consistent income enables the family to qualify for home improvement and education enhancement loans.


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