
The Better Lives family is guided by a framework of values, and practices a set of principles.

  • Values are our most important beliefs that influence our vision for the future and capacity to achieve it.
  • Improvement continuously increases the quality of our impact and moves us towards our vision.
  • Quality of life is the sum of the quality we all create. This represents how we target to deliver our vision.


The following mandala represents our framework of values and set of improvement and quality principles.

  • Outside the circle are the influencing values
  • Circle is continuous improvement
  • Central interlocking rings are the quality balance


are our most important beliefs that influence our Vision for quality of life. Their foundation is support, spirit, skill and success that guide our attitude about a sense of purpose, leadership, ownership and teamwork . It’s genesis is a number of cultures and religions.

Purpose fueled by success that builds confidence and the courage to assist others.

Leadership skills gained from applying education and experience to increase productivity and earning capacity.

Ownership fostered by the support of a comfortable home, strong health and parental responsibility.

Teamwork encouraged by a spirit of gratitude, caring and mutual trust with others.


the circle represents a routine of continuous improvement that moves us towards our vision, as we repeat the Check, Assess, Plan and Do steps (CAP Do). It’s genesis is the Shewhart cycle and Deming circle.

Check by measuring performance symptoms easily.

Assess root cause and solution options effectively.

Plan to implement a selected solution efficiently.

Do the implementation as planned enjoyably.


is how we deliver our Vision. It represents a sustainable balance of expected budget, schedule, design and risk. It’s genesis is the Project Management Triangle.

Budget is sustainable so that it supports the solution’s life-cycle.

Schedule of collaboration for considering all community stakeholders’ perspectives.

Design is holistic so that it delivers a fit-for-purpose solution.

Risk is managed when foreseen so that the solution can be sustained throughout its life-cycle.