Core Values

Core Values

Our team values Ownership, Goodwill, Wisdom and Purpose because they help family members consider what to prioritize when making important decisions today that impact the future. These are learned over time by practicing the following groups of core values:

Support – from family for developing a strong sense of Ownership for what you do.

Spirit – encouraged by family for developing Goodwill with others.

Skills – developed through education and experience for contributing Wisdom when working with others.

Success – from your endeavors for developing the confidence and courage to pursue a helpful Purpose.




Core Values – Support

Have the support of a comfortable home, strong health and sense of responsibility so that you can demonstrate strong Ownership for what you do. Be enthusiastic, energized, willing and able so that you can support others.


Accept and bond with family in a comfortable home, and with friends and community in a safe environment.


Have clean water, sanitation, nutritious food, hygiene, shelter, and exercise.


Understand and control emotions, and be disciplined and organized so that you can be responsible for obligations and actions.



Core Values – Spirit

Have a spirit of gratitude, caring and mutual trust towards others so that you can show and receive Goodwill. Be considerate, communicate responsively, collaborate and coordinate effectively with others.


Be grateful and at peace with beliefs, thoughts, words and actions.


Seek and share understanding with respect, patience and humility.


Consistently speak straight and honestly, and do what you say.



Core Values – Skills

Develop skills to increase productivity and earn an income. Over time education and experience combine to create Wisdom to be shared with others.


Listen, learn and retain education, vocational training and experience.


Focus on solving problems and supplying people’s needs with quality ideas, skills, services and products.


Earn, budget, save and invest for future growth.



Core Values – Success

Experience success that comes from having the confidence, courage and helpfulness to help others achieve their Purpose. Enjoy other people’s achievements and in so doing experience fulfillment, contentment and enlightenment!


Prioritize, plan and prepare well so you can believe in your abilities.


Be assertive, conserve energy, ready to give your best and never give up.


Help and mentor others, create jobs and protect the environment.