Better Lives

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Battambang, KH – New shop member contributes to community – 28 Feb 2014

RM collecting green material for compostThe newest member of the team is RM, a 69 year old widower whose main reason for working with the garden shop is to contribute to his community. He now earns a consistent income that allows him to invest in livestock to support his grandchildren and children.

RM was in the organic vegetable garden program before he joined the team. Realizing how much these gardens could help families, he wanted to get involved. Along with GP they formed the compost making team; a crucial part of the garden program.

RM making compostRM is looking forward to investing in pigs, cows, and rice farming as he continues to earn an income from his work with the garden shop. The majority of the profit from these activities will go straight to his grandchildren’s education costs.