

of SUPPORT, SPIRIT, SKILLS and SUCCESS influence the extent of our Vision and strengthen our Focus.

SUPPORT – of a comfortable home, strong health and sense of responsibility.

SPIRIT – of gratitude, caring and mutual trust towards others.

SKILLS – from education and experience to  increase productivity and earn an income.

SUCCESS – that leads to the confidence and courage to assist others.


of a comfortable home, strong health and sense of responsibility so that people are able to take ownership for the quality of what they commit to.

Home – Accept and bond with family in a comfortable loving home, and with friends and community in a secure environment.

Health – Enjoy the benefits of nutritious food, shelter, clean water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), and exercise.

Responsibility – Understand and control emotions, and be disciplined and organized in order to be responsible for obligations and actions.


of gratitude, caring and mutual trust towards others so that people can show and receive goodwill.

Gratitude – Acknowledge, thank and reciprocate in a manner that represents your beliefs.

Caring – Seek and share understanding with respect, patience and humility.

Trust – Consistently speak clearly and honestly, and act to do what you say.


that increase productivity, earn an income and develop wisdom that can be shared with others.

Education – Listen, learn and retain education, vocational training and experience.

Productivity – Plan to solve challenges and supply people’s needs with quality solutions.  Check and act to maintain and improve them.

Income – Produce, earn and budget to save and invest for future growth.


achieved in small steps that develop the confidence and courage to assist others to achieve their purpose.

Confidence – Prioritize, plan and prepare well in order to believe in oneself.

Courage – Be assertive to protect energy and be ready to give ones best effort when needed.

Assist – others by showing how, assisting and mentoring in order to create jobs and protect the environment.