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Kikondo, UG – Family expands businesses to further increase home income – 15 May 2019

WhatsApp Image 2019-06-03 at 09.15.11 (1)The KMK family joined the Zinabala VICOBA group and expanded their vegetable garden from three beds to ten beds to earn more income and save money to invest in the group.

KMK family is one of the families that Wamukisa has worked with the longest. In that time, Mama KMKĀ hasused the knowledge she learned from Wamukisa to feed her family daily from their vegetable garden.Ā She also sells vegetables to nearby Destiny School

Along with her other income-generating activities, the expanded income has allowed her to put her children through school by paying for their school fees on time as well as save 4,000 UGS ($1 USD) per week in the Zinabala VICOBA group.

WhatsApp Image 2019-06-03 at 09.15.11Mama KMKĀ would like to further expand her garden and piggery, but she is limited by the size of her land. However,Ā she is talking with school officials at Destiny School about borrowing land from them to grow vegetables, most of which would be sold back to the school.