Dar es Salaam, TZ – Temeke Municipality School WASH project – 30 Nov 2014
SAWA has signed phase two contract with UNICEF Tanzania to implement school water sanitation and hygiene in nine schools in Temeke. The project is similar with the previous one implemented in nine schools as reported from the previous reports. It involves hygiene promotion, improving sanitation facilities through rehabilitation of existing WASH facilities and construction of new facilities with a great consideration of pupils with disabilities and provision of special rooms for adolescence girls. Additionally, provision of hand washing facilities, extension of water service to toilets and capacity building for sustainability enhancement.
The benefiting schools are Kibugumo, Kigamboni, Kivukoni, Tungi . Rahaleo, Juhudi, Mtoni, Bahati and Uwanja wa Ndege from which a total number of 14,241 pupils and teachers will benefit. The project budget is TZS 776,000,000 (US$ 460,000)
The following activities have been achieved so far:
- Conducted technical assessment to identify the needs for rehabilitation, design and construction/ installation of water systems
- Prepared technical design of school latrines of and hand washing facilities for 9 schools: This was done in all 9 schools and levels of interventions were identified. Also technical drawings and Bill of quantities for required construction materials were developed for each school
- Â Procurement of materials for Rehabilitation and construction new toilets and water systems in 9 schools: Preparation of Bidding document and Tendering process was accomplished and materials were purchased, all schools have store keepers who manage store ledgers receiving and issuing materials. Delivery notes are signed, stamped and collected by SAWA for payment processing to supplier.
- The construction works have been done as described below
Rehabilitation of existing latrine blocks:
The exercise involved reconstruction new floors, fixing of new pans, construction of privacy walls, extension of walls to accommodate urinals, replacement of roofs and iron sheets in some privacy walls, wall plastering, painting, fixing of doors re-roofing . The rehabilitation was done to the extent of making it new.
Construction of new toilet blocks:
- Construction of three new 20 -Drop holes school latrines in Juhudi, Mtoni and U/Ndege primary schools – construction work is ongoing at finishing stage.
- Construction of 8 new toilet blocks of 10 -Drop holes in Kibugumo, Rahaleo (2) ,Kivukoni(2) , Kigamboni Tungi and Bahati primary schools with hand washing facilities- work is ongoing on well at the finishing stages of pointing of external walls, fixing squatting pans and floor and fixing doors.
- Construction of 18 Drop holes for teachers in all schools– construction work is ongoing at finishing stage.
- Construct toilet unit for disabled in all 9 schools – each school has one unit, except Mtoni with 2 units constructed. Supply of toilets European type has been done, fixing of toilets and handrails is underway.
- Construction of Hand washing facilities in all latrine blocks of 20 and 10 drop holes -The activity is in good progress, hand washing have been designed to get simple structure. Testpoint was done at Bahati and revised design has been constructed in other schools, the work is at finishing stage
Extension of water supply services:
- In water supply the extension was done both to toilets blocks new and rehabilitated toilets for the schools.
- Well developments (Boreholes flushing and pump test) were done in all schools except Bahati primary and Tungi primary as the two schools have no water source.
- For Bahati and Kigamboni – hydro geological survey and drilling of new boreholes were done
- Construction of water tank raisers with a capacity to accommodate water storage tank of 5000lts in 6 schools (Kibugumo, Rahaleo, Tungi, Mtoni, Juhudi, and Bahati), the work is at the finishing stage
- Construction of water points with 5taps have been constructed in five schools of Bahati, Mtoni,Kigamboni, Kivukoni and Rahaleo. The remaining work is to fix water tapes and to connect water from tank.
The following training was done:
- Training of school health clubs (good hygiene practices, material development role plays/drama – trainings have been done to new schools and follow up on CTC clubs in 8 schools that were supported under phase one.
-  Facilitate school WASH club exchange visits and competitions—pictures have been collected to be analysed and facilitate the competition.
- Training of school committees and local government leaders on SWASH governance, budgeting process, management of WASH facilities including O&M activities—activity has been accomplished
Challenges encountered:Â
- Accessibility-some of the construction site were not accessible by trucks (carrying sand, aggregate and hardcore) that led to double transportation of materials.
- Lack of space in some schools ( Juhudi , Mtoni and U/Ndege) which resulted into change of proposed design and eventually cost increase.
Water quality report for new drilled well for Kigamboni shows that water is salty and not recommended for use. However, the team is arranging discussion with stakeholders on the same to explore the way forward.Water point (DP) with five outlets (taps):
Way forward:
Monitoring of the project to accomplish the remaining activities: Including , finishing work in latrines blocks, fixing of toilets and handrails for disabled toilets, installation of water storage tanks, connection of water from the source to the storage tanks and toilets along with fixing water taps and construction of incinerators.