on balanced combination of budget, design and schedule for solutions to the challenges that families face with:
- Growing
- Building
- Investing
target is the sustainable combination of budget, fit-for-purpose design and schedule for a solution that delivers:

Budget for resources that support the solution’s full life-cycle.
Design for fit-for-purpose and low total cost of ownership (TCO) solution.
Schedule for predictable inputs and outputs that generate sustainable value.

Family Growing
School Growing
Commercial Growing

Family Building
School Building
Commercial Building

Family Investing
School Investing
Commercial Investing
experience is receiving the expected fit-for-purpose design within budget and on schedule. It builds trust, and encourages and sustains effort by creating and protecting personal energy and resources.

Remembered as 4E:
Effective – meets expectations.
Enjoyable – joy from the process and achievement.
Efficient – protects energy.
Easy – to use and repeat.
is the part of the quality target that combines people and parts in a process with the purpose to deliver a quality experience that solves the root cause of a challenge. For example, school breakfast:

- Effective – meets expectations
- Nutrition
- Attendance
- Grades
- Enjoyable – joy from the process and achievement
- Fresh healthy food
- Learning
- Social
- Efficient – protects energy
- Harvesting
- Cooking
- Easy – to use and repeat
- Watering